Old Winyards

Thursday, July 21, 2005


I suppose this is how many blogs get started: office+internet-stimulation=blog. I figure that it's more constructive than checking the same set of websites every 5 seconds to see if anything's been updated. I suppose blogging is rather prosaic these days, but then again so is websurfing, and that doesn't seem to stop anyone.

I guess I kind of just wanted a place to ramble, where friends could see what I've been up to; a place where I will be able to look back and reminisce about the things I did and the ideas I had, because I'm sure to forget. Plus, I need practice writing so I don't forget how. You know, for when I actually decide to write that novel I've been planning.

I imagine that I'll eventually lose interest in blogging, the way I do about everything else I'm interested in. Then again, maybe not. We'll see, won't we?

Ok, ok. Who can tell me where this blog's title is from? You were going to tell me anyway, weren't you? Christ, thinking up a blog name is harder than coming up with a role-playing character name. Not that I play role-playing games.... Oh yeah, you already knew about that, didn't you?


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