Old Winyards

Thursday, October 06, 2005

My Nose Can Beat Up Your Nose!

So, I went to the doctor yesterday. With all this turning 30 stuff, I felt I need to make sure everything was in working order. I wanted to complain about my allergies as well, which have been horrible this year. I got a prescription for Zirtec, which I had heard good things about. My doctor also prescribed a steroidal nasal spray, which is supposed to work well. Apparently, the idea is your nose gets stronger, and can then beat up any pollen or dust that gets in there, and make it feel bad about itself. Ok, not really. It just contains cortisol, which your body produces as a natural anti-inflammatory.

Just keep an eye out for my nose getting all bulked-up. I don't want it getting roid rage and punching my lights out.


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