Old Winyards

Monday, June 12, 2006


So yesterday I was like totally out of comission. Headachy, groggy, queasy, lethargic. I would just assume it was a hangover if it wasn't for the fact that I had only had three drinks the night before. We had been out to dinner at Ramblas and I had had a couple of caiparinhas (and a glass of cava).

The caiparinha is a mojito-like beverage made with cachaca, which is a rum-like distilled alcohol made from unrefined sugar cane, which is used to make cachaca, which is used to make caiparinhas. Which are made with cachaca. Quite tasty. Although you won't see me drinking many more of them after what I went through yesterday. Apparently it's the national drink of Brazil, which is great, seeing as how it's World Cup time and all. Which is apparently related to the fact that our cafeteria is serving pasta with chicken. How international. Go Italy. I did pick them to win the Cup in our family predictions last Thanksgiving, after all.

Anyway, I'm feeling much better today. Thanks for asking.


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