Old Winyards

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I'm Baaaack!

I've always hated New Year's resolutions. What could be more trite? I mean, why do you need to buy a new calendar just to set some goals for self-improvement.

HOWEVER... this is a brand new year, and I intend to stop being quite so judgmental. Especially about silly things like New Year's resolutions. So, in my newfound spirit of open-mindedness, I would like to announce the following resolutions for 2006.

1. I will be more open-minded about the foibles, flaws, mistakes, imperfections and insecurities of others. Very giving of me, isn't it? I figure it will help me keep my stress levels down.

2. I will try to excercise more frequently. Instead of trying to go to the gym twice a week (and actually going once), I will try to go three times a week (and hopefully get in a least twice).

3. I will eat more healthily (heathy? healthfully?). No more finishing every last dessert on the table.

4. I will do something creative every day: write, play the lute, sing, whatever. Just got to keep up the momentum.

That should do it. Don't want to get too ambitious. Gotta keep all this up for 365 days so I can really slack off next year. Note that "I will blog more frequently" is not one of my resolutions. Keep your expectations low and everyone will come out a winner.


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