Old Winyards

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Why Does My Belt Keep Shrinking?

Choral veterans will recognize the experience (you others just nod and smile): you sing an a cappella piece for a bit, then check your notes to find that the piano has been going sharp. Quite unsettling. Why can't they make pianos that keep their pitch for more than 5 minutes? If NASA can make foam bricks that protect space shuttles from the terrible heat of re-entry, why can't... oh, nevermind.

In unrelated news, my favorite belt which I have worn nearly every day for the last seven or 8 years barely fits me anymore. I'm on the last notch, and even that's a bit tight. What gives? You'd think if it was going to shrink it would be within the first few months of owning it. This delayed shrinkage is quite odd.

In other, unrelated news, I went shopping this weekend and discovered that I need to buy pants an inch bigger in the waist. Why manufacturers feel the need to make clothes smaller than before escapes me. But I can highly recommend Express clothing for men. They have nice jeans in a wide variety of styles, and quite a few cool t-shirts that are excellent for layering, if you're into that sort of thing. (It's not mine.) It's inexpensive, and as an added bonus the clothes have actually got some semblance of style, unlike the GAP. Perfect for adding just the right touch of metrosexuality.


  • i think it's my fault..something about marriage + my love for baking perhaps. it's a good incentive for you to take up playing tennis and run the race for the cure with me in september, don't you think? after all, why buy a new belt when you can save the money?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:39 AM  

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