Old Winyards

Friday, January 27, 2006

I'm Freaking Huge!

I've been able to get into the gymn 2 or 3 times a week, that's been working out pretty well for me, so to speak. I can lift heavier weights now than ever before, and my body's starting to reflect that. It's gotten to the point where I go to put on deodorant, and I'm like, "Woah, my armpits are so big from my huge pecs." TMI? Sorry, I just had to share the experience of being surprised at the size of my armpits. Guess you would have had to be there.

Anyway, my posse and I rolled out to check out the Chronic-cles of Narnia last weekend. We couldn't find the Mr. Pibb or Red Vines, but we did make the group in sitting in front of us laugh at our references to movie trivia being the illest. Sadly, there was no movie trivia at the theater, so screaming out Matthew Perry would have been nonsensical.

The movie was pretty good. I give it a B+. On par with Spider Man. What was up with the weird blur slow-motion effect when Aslan killed the White Witch though. That was weird, huh? Oh, and here's a couple of tips for you if you ever get transported back to a fantasy land and have to act as general for an army of mythical beasts:
  • If you're going to have your flying creatures drop rocks and crap on the enemy, have them fly above the range of the enemy archers.

  • Also, if you have a superior defensive position, such as having archers positioned on top of a clifftop, you might consider having them fire before engaging the enemy on foot.


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