Old Winyards

Friday, February 03, 2006

How Much For That MP3???

I'm sure this is just another one of the things that the hip young folks have known about for years, but I just heard through the grapevine (read: Sherwin) about http://www.allofmp3.com. Apparently it's some shady Russian website that sells MP3s for literally pennies on iTunes' dollar. Songs average between 10 and 15 cents. Albums are around $1.25. A DOLLAR TWENTY-FIVE FOR AN ALBUM! Christ, even if you could download a particular song for free somewhere else, it might be worth paying a dime just to not have to search for it. Hell, it might be worth paying a dime for a song you already own just so you wouldn't have to go over to the CD rack, find the CD, pop it in the computer, and rip the song. Time is money, peeps.

How is all this possible, you might ask? It seems like it's either:
a.) That the going rate for music in Russia is just that low, for currency-related and other socio-economic (what a great word... or is it two?) reasons.
b.) In no way legal, and will soon be shut down.

Either way, get your MP3s while they're hot, and before America's record labels force the US governement to shut http://www.allofmp3.com.


  • apparently due to russian copyright law, this is totally legit.

    oh did i mention this site is totally a front for the russian mafia? just thought you wanted to know.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 11:16 PM  

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